MANCC Artists

Choose from the artists below to preview their work at MANCC.

  • Edisa Weeks at the Knott House Museum
  • Weeks and collaborators visit the Meek-Eaton Black Archives at Florida A&M University
  • Weeks and collaborative team at the Goodwood Museum and Gardens for the Invisible Lives Tour
  • Weeks and collaborative team at the Goodwood Museum and Gardens for the Invisible Lives Tour
  • Audience gathers before the work-in-progress showing on the property of Eleanor Dietrich
  • Audience walks to the site of Weeks' outdoor work-in-progress showing of <em>3 RITES: Liberty</em> on the  <br>property of Eleanor Dietrich
  • Weeks performs <em>3 RITES: Liberty</em> as a work-in-progress showing outdoors
  • Weeks performs <em>3 RITES: Liberty</em> as a work-in-progress showing outdoors
  • Weeks performs <em>3 RITES: Liberty</em> as a work-in-progress showing outdoors
  • Audience gathers after the work-in-progress showing on the property of Eleanor Dietrich


Featured Artist

Faye Driscoll

February 22 - 24
Carolina Performing
Arts, UNC Chapel Hill


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